This error can be encountered due to issues with your browser, malware on your system, insufficient power supply, a bug in the system, and others. This article will discuss how you can fix Netflix Screen Flickering issue in Windows and macOS.

Fix Netflix Screen Flickering Issue in Windows and macOS

If you have been facing Netflix Screen Flickering issues in Windows and macOS, then follow the steps given below to fix it-

Fix Netflix Screen Flickering Issue in Windows and macOS1. Check Netflix Server Status2. Switch to a Different Browser3. Select Maximum Power OutputWindows macOS4. Disable PluginEdgeFirefoxSafari5. Update the SystemmacOSWindows6. Update Graphics Drivers (On Windows)7. Create a New User AccountWindowsmacOSBottom Line

1. Check Netflix Server Status

Firstly, check for the server of Netflix. If the Netflix server is down, you may face issues with it. You can visit the Netflix server status page to check the server status of Netflix. If the server of Netflix is experiencing downtime, wait for the servers to be up again. However, if there’s no issue with the server but you are still facing the issue, then move to the next step in this article. 

2. Switch to a Different Browser

Another thing that you can try doing is switching to a different browser. Many times the issue may be with the browser you are using. Switch your primary browser and try using another browser. Now check if you are still facing the issue or not. 

3. Select Maximum Power Output

Your PC will limit the power supply when the power output is low or balanced. This can also cause the Netflix Screen flickering issue on Windows and macOS. You can select the maximum power output setting to fix the issue. 


In case you don’t see high performance plan here, then you will have to enable it. You can enable it by following the steps given below-


4. Disable Plugin

If you have been facing this issue with Netflix while streaming it on your browser, disable plugins and add-ons. You may face this issue due to plugins interfering with the browser. You can disable the plugins and that should fix the issue. 




5. Update the System

Another thing that you can do is update your system to the latest version. This method worked out for most people in fixing the Netflix screen flickering issue. 



6. Update Graphics Drivers (On Windows)

You may also face this issue due to outdated graphics drives. Update your graphics drivers to fix the Netflix screen flickering issue. To do so, follow the steps given below-

7. Create a New User Account

If you are still facing the same issue, we recommend creating a new user account and signing into it. Try streaming Netflix with the new user account and you will no longer face the issue you have been facing. 



For those facing Netflix screen flickering issues on windows and macOS, this article will help you with it. We hope this article helped you fix the issue, and if it did, then tell us in the comment section below. 

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