However, the good thing is that there are plenty of website accessibility checkers out there on the market today. Moreover, there is now a professional way of checking it that will reduce your anxieties as well.  A good wcag checker can definitely put your mind at ease. According to AudioEye, if you want to use this free website accessibility checker, all you have to do is “simply enter your web page address (URL) into the field at the top of the page.”  It’s that simple. But even if you don’t want to go to their website, did you know that there is a way to check your website for accessibility with just five simple steps? Read on to find out more.

Check your alt-text for image capability

Image capability for your alt-text functionality? Yep, absolutely. All of your images and other non-text content should have some kind of text alternative available. As a website operator, it is extremely important that you realize that people access the internet in a number of different ways, including through a screen-reader or through a Braille display. 

1 Check your alt-text for image capability2 Check for closed captioning and transcripts on videos3 Check the color contrast4 You should ensure that your site is keyboard-friendly5 Make sure your site can be zoomed in without any loss of functionality

Assistive technologies like this cannot properly communicate the different graphics with a modified alt text. These tools need alt text because they cannot naturally read what is being displayed in these non-text formats.  The best way to check for alt text would be through using a screen reader or some other type of assistive technology on both a mobile interface and a desktop interface. If you don’t feel qualified enough to do this on your own, not worry. The Bureau of Internet Accessibility will offer you a confidential and free accessibility scan of your website.

Check for closed captioning and transcripts on videos

First of all, captions are text alternatives to your audio, and they are usually synchronized with your video. They can include such things as spoken dialogue, sounds, and even music. Basically, anything that is critical to getting the full purpose of the video should be included in the captioning.  Transcripts can be described as the text version of the video content, and they would normally include all spoken words and other crucial sounds. The best way to check for captions and transcripts would be to go to your video and check the player to see if there is a button or an option to turn on the closed captions. If they are not there or they don’t seem adequate, it is time to consider making some videos that are more accessible.

Check the color contrast

Color contrast might seem like a simple deal, but it is critical for accessibility. First of all, color contrast refers to the difference in light between the colors, and you should realize that visitors with low vision, a vision that is low-contrast, or a color vision deficiency when you have appropriate contrast on your website. Thus, if your website has normal text, it should have a contrast with a numerical value of 4.5:1. If your website has large text, the contrast should have a numerical rating of 3:1.

You should ensure that your site is keyboard-friendly

Do you use the mouse often? If so, you might think that everyone uses the computer in that same manner. However, there are many individuals that don’t utilize the mouse as you do. There are plenty of keyboard shortcuts that can be utilized, and that is why it is important that every link, feature, and control can also be accessed only using a keyboard as well.

Make sure your site can be zoomed in without any loss of functionality

One main WCAG requirement is that your website should have the ability to zoom to at least 200% and still be completely functional. You can test this very easily. All you have to do is simply zoom your website to a 200% margin and see what happens. In conclusion, it is up to you to make your website accessible, but as long as you do your homework this can be accomplished!